Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Google-Changing the Way we Think

I enjoyed reading this article. Professor Greenfield makes alot of valid points. She begins by saying that current computer use is changing the way our brains work. This is so true, because if we think about the advances in technology and the lack of technology that our ancestors had, there is a huge difference. I don't really know about the statement that google and other search engines can change ones personality and behavior, but I can say they are capable of changing ones outlooks on certain situations. The mention of on screen stimulus was excellent, as I have seen some research in recent years that suggest the upcoming generations obesity rate incline can be contributed to children's only stimuli coming from in front of a screen. As I read this I thought of all the millions of times that I've "googled" or relied on another search engine to retrieve a rapid response in which I otherwise wouldn't have had a way of getting. Whether we like it or not google has and will always change the way we think.

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